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Day N Vegas: The Hip Hop Festival Vegas Needs

We've been asking for it, and the people down at GoldenVoice have made it happen! The Rap centered, 3-day Hip-Hop music festival of our DREAMS is coming to Las Vegas November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd with Day N Vegas! Here's what we know so far.

Vegas has been ready for a huge Hip-Hop festival for a minute and we could not be happier that it is coming! With J.Cole, Travis Scott, and Kendrick Lamar headlining the festival everyone is already hype...but then we took a closer look and this entire lineup is lit! Migos, Miguel, Tyler the Creator, and 21 Savage are all playing this festival! They are keeping it exciting with new favorites like DaBaby, Blueface, Megan Thee Stallion, and Lil Nas X.

This festival is the first weekend of November, which is one of the coolest months! We don't have to worry about the heat, we don't have to worry about makeup running, or hair trippin. This is the perfect outdoor festival time of year for Vegas if the wind stays calm. Day N' Vegas is set to go off at the Las Vegas Festival Grounds which is right across the street from the SLS Las Vegas, and next to the Stratosphere Las Vegas. I highly suggest staying there for the convenience. Other close hotels on this end of the strip are Circus Circus, Encore and Wynn. The last two are a bit of a walk, but still much closer than the rest of the strip. You will be able to walk it from anywhere on the strip though, especially with the projected weather.

Tickets went on sale FRIDAY, and they are ALREADY sold out! The only way to get a ticket if you haven't already is through their fan to fan exchange...and I'm guessing we are going to need much more than the $10 deposit that the festival was initially asking for! If you have any questions about the best place to stay, planning meals, transportation or budget send me an email to and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Are you already planning on coming to Day N' Vegas? Who are you most excited to see? Let me know by getting social with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. I'm @NikkiOnVegas on every social media platform. See you in Vegas!



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